Saturday, April 28, 2012

Pea Shoots and Tendrils... An Early season surpirse!

As your peas start growing and you start thinning, don't dispose of the thinnings! You can use the thinnings in the kitchen!
Pea shoots are the tiny, tender leaves and vines of young pea plants. Any type of pea will suffice, but sugar pod peas are the easiest types to grow for shoots and tendrils, since they tend to shoot up faster and stay light and crisp. Pea shoots and tendrils are tender enough to serve with no or minimal cooking. They are often tossed into salads or on top of soups. You can always add a few curls as an edible garnish. Pea shoots and tendrils are also a tangy addition to stir-fired dishes or simply steamed or sautéed as a side dish.
Wondering how to cook pea shoots? Here's an easy, quick and tasty pea shoots and tendrils recipe from Kim Knox Beckius, a blogger at

Monday, April 16, 2012

Reminder: Orientation Meeting

Community Garden Orientation meeting is Tuesday, 4/17 at 6:30 PM
Note: we will be looking for a couple of Garden Board members, so please think about serving!
Also word from Steve Roemer is there are a couple of vacant plots- so if you know of anyone who would like to get a plot, let them know.